1. "I don't care how much money you have."
It has been proven that women want a guy who is financially stable and independent. They aren't all looking for a sugar daddy; they just want to know that their man is capable of taking care of a potential future family. Of course, your girlfriend probably won't tell you this so as not to scare you off with discussions about family and the future.
Advice: Tricky one if you don't have cash, but try and put a little aside when you can and she'll think you're fantastic.
2. "It doesn't bother me when you check out other women."
It's quite simple: She wants to feel like you only have eyes for her but will lie because she doesn't want it to look that way. She wants to appear to be open-minded but is actually upset when you check out the hot blonde in the supermarket.
Advice: You're better off not letting your eyes wander too often if you don't want it to blow up in your face when you least expect it.
3. "You're right."
Normally rears its ugly head at the argument which ends with her telling you that you were right. Don't believe her? Even if she realizes she's wrong, chances are slim to none that she'll actually admit it. The fact is that many women will tell you that you're right to shut you up, but what they're really thinking is: "He'll find out soon enough that I'm right." Then she'll proceed to find some devious way to prove her point.
Advice: Be prepared for the devious ways and have your argument all ready, again so she can't catch you unawares.
4. "I won't get mad if you say I look fat."
Not so much a lie as a trap. No matter what you say, she will get angry. If you try to tell her that she looks great, she'll accuse you of lying to make her feel better, on the other hand, if you tell her that she has, in fact, put on a couple of pounds, you're likely to set off a war in your living room.
Advice: The only way to deal with this situation (short of faking a heart attack) is to brace yourself and wait until the monsoon passes.
5. "I love sports."
Ah, another first date classic as she searches for a common interest. But unless you're lucky enough to have found one of the rare true female sports fans out there, within a few weeks, she'll probably be complaining every time you sit down to watch a game. This lie really sucks because it feeds false hopes in the minds of unsuspecting men.
Advice: I wish there was some advice to give, but sorry guys your dreams of curling up with a six-pack and a hot woman to watch the game with are probably going to forever remain pure fantasy.
6. "I don't mind picking up after you."
Once again, this is a lie your girlfriend might tell you at the beginning of your relationship. She'll say that she really doesn't mind picking up the dirty dishes you leave lying around and that she just loves doing the laundry. I hate to break it to you, but this isn't going to last either. Soon enough, she'll be telling you to wash your smelly socks yourself and that it's your turn to do the dishes.
Advice: Keep the place tidy (well tidier) and she may not complain too loudly.
7. "I love hanging out with your friends."
She might like your friends but she won't want them around her all the time. This is the kind of lie you get early on in a relationship but it doesn't mean you'll get away with a four hour poker session round your place every Saturday night.
Advice: Try to keep friends visits to a minimum and she might keep pretending she likes them.
8. "I wouldn’t change anything about you"
A woman can say this until she’s blue in the face. And in one way – she usually means it. But not in the way that means she loves how you leave the toilet seat up or spill cheese sauce on your T-shirt.
She means that she likes you and appreciates many different aspects of your personality. Rest assured; she doesn’t love or even like everything. There are bound to be some things about you that drive her stark-raving mad. But because she likes you, she’s not going to mention them.
Advice : Think about what would annoy you if you're positions were reversed. Fix those things. Aim to never hear this again.
9. “I’ll be ready in a minute.”