You see, Ive been thinking about the times that I have spent with boyfriend, from the time we got to know each other well and became best friends until this point where he is my boyfriend of 2 years. And also compared ourselves with the other couples. (I always talk about relationships and love stuffs, so boring, kan)
So I figured that everyone involved in relationships (I mean like, boyfriend and girlfriend relationships) has gone through, will be going through, are going through : the relationship phases;
[5-6 months]
I call this phase, The "honeymoon" Phase :p Anyway during this phase, you will feel like he is the best thing that has ever happened to you, love him to bits, you feel over the moon most of the times, smile or laugh at his jokes eventho it is obviously stupid, he will gladly call you almost every night, not to mention the good mornings and good nights every single day and he do sweet things to woo you and exchanging gooey eyes with each other is normal and all the cheesy metaphors are true. Even the things that usually annoys you, will be adorable when he does them.
[9-14 months]
And this phase is called The "after-honeymoon" Phase (hahah, siyes, sekda idea). After knowing him well, you will start to get comfortable with him, you tell him everything, from the things that going on in your family up to the things that your friends tell you (i.e gossips). You will start to notice each other's flaws and mistakes and this is the phase where you learn how to love everything about your partner including his flaws. And this is the time where you will argue with each other occasionally if not often :p so, both of you have to learn how to give and take, and there's this saying mentioning about dont lose the one u love just because you are too ego blablabla..
[15-20 months]
The "you're-my-boyfriend-so?" Phase. hahah. Up to this time, you guys have gotten so used to each other that farting or digging your nose in front him doesnt really matter (because he once told you, whatever you do, you will still look cute, so, yeah). The occasional arguments are still there and it will get worse if you still havent learnt how to give and take. (Frankly speaking, I think I havent, but boyfriend has so its kinda fine :p love u boyf, no hard feelings k). And you even dont mind sharing your toothbrush with him. And oh, the phone call every night? The number of calls will decrease as time passes by. You can be considered lucky if you are still receiving calls at least 3-4 times every week.
But there are still those sharing of gooey eyes, those cheesy love metaphors, the sweet things that he do, or the little things about you that he knows because he paid attention (when you think he was not), or how much he knows about you.. ;)
Yeah well, other people may have different experiences or different phases. This is just my assumption generally on how relationship goes on
[20 - infinity]
Ok, I have only experienced relationships until the last phase :p so I can just go this far

Not like this

p/s : The contents of this post is not related to anyone (maybe 1000x) :)
i second u..haha
Yeah.. hahah..
loads of things to do until u arrive that last phase...
n one last thing u maybe don't even want to know is that the phase of breaking up...
somehow, someday the time will come.
so, cherish every moment possible!
hmm..we will try our best dont we?
err did we share our toothbrush?haha...
1. muka baru bgn tdo / baru lps exercise pun bleh. no need to dress up to impress cus u know u have being that far pun bkn depends on the dress
2. when the girl naik angin mcm nk gila pun, the man will get used to it and pekak kan telinga / buat tk tau sbb dah biasa
3. u knew his habit and bila dia ckp tutup mata on the fon pun, u'll know, and of course when he lies, u'll know it too.
oh byk lg lah. gud luck ;)
u r such lily and marshall
not to forget ted n robin too
hahaha =)
@firdaus : I hope we will not go thru "that" phase. Dont mention it again! Its a taboo! haha..
@kamal : hehe yes we will! and if there's a different situation I bet we share toothbrush :p and and and i bet we share lots of things when we're married later on
@syara : yeah btol gak tu. hehe gud luck gak~
@rafi : haha.. klaka la.. dorg empat2 share satu toothbrush >_< aku nk share ngn laki je nnt :p
comel je post ni. Good luck wani and kamal is it? hihih
Thank you :)
post yg sgt2 bes.. hehe
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