i had to let them go. i had no choice. father insisted on sending them away because he said keeping them was too much of a hassle. i dont think they burden me. not at all. not when i love them so much. the mother had been living with us for more than a year already. she's practically family. but we have to part. my father wont keep her any longer. i vowed to myself that if by next year no one wants to adopt her yet i'll take her back. yes, i'll do that. even if i have to pay hundred of bucks for her. ive been missing her so much and been dreaming about her. sob3. u guys take care of yourselves now k. i'll be visiting and bring ur favourite food..fresh fishes. no more running around chasing each other for them. no more yummy food. only cat's biscuits. hu.
on a happier note, we'll be going back to Kota Marudu this wednesday to visit our nenek kebayan. cant wait. will be taking 2 weeks off from practical training.
it is 9.51am and i already browse through the net for pizza hut's delivery service. blergh. when will i stop eating like a pig i myself dont know.
Huuuu i miss Rio.
i dedicate this song to her.
i think i'll be depressed for at least a few days before i can get over this.
dah bye.
p/s: oh yea, 2012 is the bomb. like literally the bomb. totally movie of the year.
ko hntr katner weh?
xyah letak gmbr kuceng ko 2 berak kot..
aku hanta kat animal shelter. huhu.. gamba tu best kot. hehe
ok jangan menangis. di v4 ni banyak meow2 yang free. nanti u pg kafe amik la satu. hehe.
btw, pisau cukur pun da bomb jugak sikit2. funny. c:
@azrin : haha mmg ade gak nak adopt cats kat v4 tu kadang2 tp susah gak slalu bz. :)
huhuhu kalo ko adopt diorg blk aku nk jd ayah angkat diorg..hehe
smue pon ckp 2012 best tp nape aku rase biase je....aku xnormal ke? haha. btw grafic die banyak kantoi la, xlawa.
and wani, aku tau ko xlayan cite mlayu, tp try tgk pisau cukup. bli cetak rompak je.haha. org ckp klaka :P aku pn xtgk lg
@kamal : haha okie sayang tp kene tinggal kat kuching gak :P
@aeda : aku mmg plan nk tgk pisau cukur. jom la tgk same! (kat kuching) :p
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