Sunday, January 3, 2010

Once upon a time there was a bully,

During primary school;

- I pinched this one boy's ear so hard that his ear became blazing red and I think the color lasted for a few days.

- The same boy got me mad this one time and I went straight to his class (we were in different classes), I emptied his drinking water onto his desk and got all his schoolbooks soaked with water. I didnt even look back after that.

- I got mad with another boy, (we were in the same class) I moved his desk outside the class, with books, his bag and all.

- I punched a boy and made the boy cry (this one I dont remember, told by mother).

That is all I can remember. I hope that is all. I really hope there's no one else that I bully.

So my point is, don't ever bully people unless it is really necessary. haha and to the guys that I bullied, I am very very sorry (if ever they read this), let bygones be bygones k?

p/s : I still do bullying kecil-kecilan.


.::R A F I::. said...

kamal nasihat plzz

kamal said...

nak nasihat camane?
aku pon kne buli ngan dia..huhu

bLueSpeCky said...


redblaque said...

you mess with so many boys. :P

Alep Baek said...

kamal kene buli ngan wani gak?

.::R A F I::. said...

kamon kamal
buli die balek kalo xdpt nasihat

wani gaga gugu gege said...

@kamal, rafi, alep : hello manede aku buli kamal.. aku skrg da baik ok.. huhu

@zima : dulu je ganas hehe

@ned : iknow :P

farhazoeLa said...

wani, awak ada bakat, mahu masuk ujibakat untuk pencarian pelakon wanita menggantikan Afdlin SHauki dalam "Buli Balik"?

Rose Idayu Roslan said...

wani ganas betol..hoho

wani gaga gugu gege said...

@farha : boleh gak, tp audition utk jd mangsa ke pembuli? hehehe

@rose : sket jer ganas hehehe