Wednesday, February 25, 2009

cool la kau tek!

i am still head over heels for my new computer. i love it more when people gawk at it. how nice.. kui33333. im allowed to have my own moment of  smugness ok even if i seem to be modest at times.

anyhu, since i dont have much mindless tittle tattle to write i wud like to share this pic;

credit to Check Lah Pok for this pic

aku sik tauk pahal mak nya potong rambut anak nya gya. kipas susah mati nike kali >_<

1 comment:

D. said...

haha. anak kitak gia kelak rasa mek :P

wani! apa sikda show pun laptop kebanggaan ya ngan kamek? show off! malaskuuu