Friday, September 12, 2008

taggity tag

tagged by syara.

Dream wedding.This is a survey about your dream wedding, whether it be in the next year or after ten years. So, please answer after you read, the person who answered this before you took a great deal of effort.

1. How old are you?

2. Are you single?

3. In what age do you think you'll get married?
ask kamal.

4. Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?
yea. i hope so.

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
James McAvoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. Do you want a garden/beach or a traditional wedding?
Traditional ya gne? hehe

7. Your ideal motive?
dunno la

8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
em dunno.

9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
relatives and friends of family? thats all lah. dunno how many. if my father's friends are taken into consideration it will be more than 100000000 hahahaha jk

10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
simple. use terompah n all, baju kurung made of leaves. lol. no la, simple but dunno how simple

11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you'd make up on your own?
traditional vows?

12. How many layers of cake do you want?
hm. 10? possible?

13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or a simple place?
a big hall with air conditionings

14. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
night can ka?

15. You'd rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?

16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
no need la

17. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
selamat pengantin baru - by dunno-what-her-name

18. Are you a morning person or a night person?
neither. always sleepy. what does this got to do with my wedding?

19. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?

20. What age do you want to get married?
ask kamal

21. Describe your ideal husband/wife.

22. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?

23. Champagne or red wine?

24. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
days after wedding

25. Money or household items?
either, or both is better kan :P

26. Who will pay for the bills?

27. Are you ready for married life?

28. Do you think you will still be a virgin until you get married?

29. Will you always be true to your wife/husband?

30. How many kids would you like to have?
i wud like to have 3, kamal wud like to have 5, so take the average, we shud have 4 mayb?

31. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?

32. Will you celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding or diamond wedding?
mayb? insyaAllah if i live long enough

33. What kind of cuisine would you like for your wedding?
chinese and malay

34. Will you record your honeymoon in a CD or DVD?
haha...... dunno

35. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next?

Anyone who wants to do ths


bedazzled said...

why isn't question number 28 answered? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

wani gaga gugu gege said...

hahah... coz i choose not to answer it la, xsemestinya...... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

farhazoeLa said...

haha.. x aci la wani oi.. sengal.. u want ur pic in mine ke? meh. send one.ill edit n x de spe kan recognize thats u! serious!
looks like a not-so-old-chipmunk.
u want it?

wani gaga gugu gege said...

haha no thank youUUUU!!! hahaha.. aku xnak kene cop xsiuman gak weh hahah

Anonymous said...

ur in the mood eh?