Wednesday, July 2, 2008

its not over yet

i usually dont like my own pictures but this one is kinda nice. credits to the photographer, pyah :D

had fun at Damai last weekend tho i only joined my friends the second day, been so long since i hang out with any of them that i realized that none of us had actually changed (except, maybe physically coz some of the boys had grown a tad cuter). more pictures here.

nothing much going on lately. i think last week is the most eventful week of my holidays. gosh, how boring. bila aku nak shopping tok.

im thinking of taking a holiday from my life. is that even possible? what if i want to have a holiday from my life forever. or sleep forever and never wake up. fuh, crazy thoughts are surfacing again. sometimes i wonder if i really am crazy. but crazy people dont admit themselves crazy. but i talk to myself sometimes, crazy people did it a lot. but crazy people dont drive. talk about driving, slow drivers driving on the right lane always piss me off. they make me feel like ramming into the butt of their car bcoz of their slowness, heck, some even drive 20kmh only!

i think driving alone is enough for me to swear more than a hundred times. byk dosa dah.

u know, when im alone at night and need someone to talk to, i scrolled thru the phonebook several times ending up in disappointment bcoz i cant find anyone to call. its funny that people are always saying, u're lucky u are so friendly and have many friends, but they didnt know the truth.

sometimes i need a cig badly and i only feel that when im really stressed but i know once i start again i wont be able to stop.

and i need my buddies badly.

and i know i need to stop when i intended to write a happy post but came out with a post full of whines.


redblaque said...

pemandu lesen L nang lah driving sorg2.. dah namanya L=Loner. hehe (plentey jak bah)

huuuu rindu juak mok hang out ngan frens from utp. cam bes jak pat crita2 sukati sampey puas ati tp jauh dr org2 tersayang yg mungkin dilukai oleh crita criti tersebut.. cewwahhahaha

wani!!! idola-kita-yg-bercita2-mok-single-sampey-ada-bmw ya ensem rah frenster doww.. his latest pic ya huahhhh cair mek. cant wait to see hensem sik nya in person soon.. haha. and nya dpt pass interview schlmbgr yg susah gile babehh ya.. nang terer worr. sooo menepati my taste but unfortunately all i can do is admire him from afar.. and that is all i want to do. lol

Nurharith Afnizan said...

ngeh3. just give me a call and we can lepak2 or hang out or have a cig together its fine.
eh. bila mok snooker tek? ngeh3.

p.s: and i know i need to stop when i intended to write a happy post but came out with a post full of whines. <--i like this line. hehe.