Tuesday, April 21, 2009

take me under

who should i seek comfort to?
where are you when i need you?
i dont blame you. i never blame you. blamed myself, for needing u too much. always. all of the time.

im glad i bought breaking dawn. eventho ive read it thousands of times. it makes me happy. its not a waste of money. at least, its better and healthier than the pills. 

no, u go away. i'll keep a distance from now on.

dahla, mok g baca my happy book lok. xmenyakitkan xcomplicated.


F Hzh said...

cik wani.. kenape kitak mcm sdh sedih jak.. :(
sikmok sedih2 ok!
senyum slalu~...........

syara said...

buku resepi is happier la wani
rasa gembira tgk gmbr makanan

and kalau ko boring dh dgn breaking dawn tu,
bley baca buku aku pulak
aku ade buku baru
riwayat bidadari syurga

diRa said...

uiks.. emo post this time?
chill.. cheer up no? =)

farhazoeLa said...

kenak? ade prob ke?
huhuh. nak exam dah. chill sekejap n forget things that mess u up~. like nothing is exist ~